President Trump “has something on his side that Joe Biden does not have, he has enthusiasm,” Fox News’ Sean Hannity told “The Daily Briefing” on Election Day as he weighed Trump’s reelection chances.

“While Joe doesn’t have enthusiasm, there is this ‘I hate Donald Trump’ faction out there,” The “Hannity” host said on Tuesday. “How big is that? I don’t know if we can quantify it and I think the supporters of the president, they’re going to go out in the rain, sleet, snow, and wait on line 24 hours if they have to to vote for him.”

Hannity did, however, acknowledge that “it’s very hard” for a Republican to win the White House, noting that Florida is “a must-win state,” along with Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, and Iowa.

“You got to hopefully win Arizona and then you got to pick off Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, maybe Minnesota, maybe Nevada becomes part of a play with Wisconsin, but there are many paths to victory,” Hannity noted.

Real Clear Politics' polling averages show Biden up by 7.2 points and with a .9 point lead in Florida. Trump leads Biden by .2 in North Carolina, 2 points in Iowa and 1 point in both Ohio and Georgia.

Hannity also pointed to the “stated agenda of Joe Biden” on Tuesday, noting that the Democratic presidential nominee’s “going to raise taxes” as well as “put judicial activists on the court.”

Biden plans to repeal changes made to individual income tax rates for the wealthy (individuals with incomes over $400,000) under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which means the top rate would revert back to 39.6 percent, from 37 percent.

Last month, the former vice president indicated that he might be open to shifting Supreme Court justices to lower courts if elected president, noting that he hadn't made any "judgment" yet on the issue.

Hannity also pointed to the fact that Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, have been mum on the question of court-packing should they win the election.  

“I interpret his non-answer as he’ll pack the court,” Hannity told host Dana Perino on Tuesday.


“He’s [Biden’s] going to now tear down the border wall apparently,” Hannity added. “Then we’ll have D.C., Puerto Rico statehood. Democrats think they could lock in four additional senators, which would give them a Senate majority and perpetuity.”

“These moves would be the biggest power grab in 150 years in this country,” he went on to say. “That should concern every American.”

He stressed that “law and order is on the ballot, judicial temperament and philosophy is on the ballot, foreign policy is on the ballot.”


“There is a lot on the line here,” Hannity said.  

Fox News’ Sam Dorman contributed to this report.