Guards allegedly forced into union day before right-to-work implemented

The federal government is investigating a Michigan labor group and company for forcing three employees into the union on the eve of the state's implementation of right-to-work laws.

Three security guards with AlliedBarton Security Services filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) after the company signed an exclusive agreement with United Protective Workers of America (UPWA) Local 1.

The workers, who guard a Dearborn-based Ford plant, alleged that the agreement forced all employees to pay full dues into union coffers and membership played a deciding role in bonuses and promotions.

"These are bullying tactics unions have chosen to use and obviously an investigation should be launched," said Annie Patnaude, deputy state director of Americans for Prosperity-Michigan. "Unfortunately, a lot of this has been going on, explicit and implied threats if workers exercise the new freedom."

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The deal came after Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder made the state the nation's 24th right-to-work state, but before the law actually went into effect. The law bars companies from requiring employees to join unions as a condition of employment and allows workers to choose whether they will join unions. Using membership to determine compensation, promotion, and hiring is a clear violation, according to supporters.

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