Grand jury to convene in Anthony Weiner sexting case

FILE - New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin attend a news conference in New York, July 23, 2013. (REUTERS/Eric Thayer)

Disgraced ex-New York congressman Anthony Weiner could face indictment over his sexting with an underage girl within the next several weeks, a law-enforcement source told The Post on Tuesday.

A federal grand jury is expected to begin hearing evidence about the former pol’s explicit communications by the end of the month, the source said.

Legal experts have said Weiner’s latest sexting scandal could get him slapped with a federal charge of sexual exploitation of children, which carries a minimum of 15 years in the slammer and a maximum of 30.

It was unclear where the grand jury will convene.

Weiner is under investigation by federal authorities in both Manhattan, where he lives, and North Carolina, the home state of the 15-year-old girl to whom he sent crude messages and shirtless selfies.

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