Graham rips Amazon for offering vaccine help to Biden: 'It's disgusting' if they refused to help Trump

'If they had this capability, they should have shared it with the Trump administration,' Graham tells 'America Reports'

If Amazon chose not to help the Trump administration distribute the coronavirus vaccine across America, that is "disgusting," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on Thursday.

"I don't know what kind of accountability you would have, but let's ask ourselves the following question: Is Jeff Bezos friendly to the Democratic cause? Yes, he owns The Washington Post," Graham told "America Reports". "Yeah, I think it's pretty bad ... If they had this capability, they should have shared it with the Trump administration."

Graham noted that while the first vaccines were not approved for emergency use before December, Amazon "knew it would work before the election." However, the tech giant "waited until after the election to announce that they would offer their resources to help distribute the vaccine."

"I think if there'd been a Democratic president, they would announce it before the election," he added.


Shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn in Wednesday, Amazon congratulated the Democrat on his inauguration and offered their extensive resources to help the new administration in its vaccine distribution effort. 

"As you begin your work leading the country out of the COVID-19 crisis, Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your administration," Dave Clark, CEO of Amazon's worldwide consumer business, wrote in a letter to Biden Wednesday.  


"We are prepared to leverage our operations, information technology and communications capabilities and expertise to assist your administration’s vaccination efforts," Clark continued. "Our scale allows us to make a meaningful impact immediately in the fight against Covid-19, and we stand ready to assist you in this effort."

"I think what Amazon's doing is pretty disgusting if, in fact, they could have helped the Trump administration and they chose not to because they don't like him," Graham emphasized. "That's not a good moment for the Amazon company."

An Amazon spokeswoman disputed Graham's claims, saying the company's "interest is in helping Americans get vaccinated, full stop." 

"We met with Trump’s Operation Warp Speed to offer assistance on vaccine logistics and we were redirected to the states. We then wrote to all governors offering to help distribute the vaccine," the Amazon spokeswoman told Fox News. "Throughout 2020, we partnered extensively with the Trump Administration to respond to Covid-19:  we worked with the State Department to collect personal protective equipment from China when American doctors had none, we built new tools for researchers and public health authorities, we advised the US government on testing and more." 

The Amazon spokeswoman added: "To suggest that we waited to offer assistance for political reasons is simply wrong, Senator Graham." 

Fox News' Paul Best contributed to this report.

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