‘Ghost employee:’ High-paid Pennsylvania governor aide to resign amid allegations

Ron Tomalis will resign from a job he may not have been doing in the first place.

Tomalis is a former Pennsylvania secretary of education who has worked as an aide in the Corbett administration the past 15 months making $115,000 a year.

A July 27 story by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said Tomalis sent only five emails during his first year in a special adviser position created for him after he resigned as secretary of education in 2013.

“I believe it is in the best interest of the Administration that I resign my position with the Commonwealth, effective August 26, 2014, to pursue those endeavors,” he wrote in a resignation letter to current Education Secretary Carolyn Dumaresq.

The resignation won’t be immediate — Tomalis will remain on the state payroll until Aug. 26, giving him plenty of time to clean out his desk.

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