
More Democrats on Wednesday called for an extension of the open enrollment period in the health care exchanges after consumers encountered computer problems and breakdowns since roll-out began on October 1.

George Will, syndicated columnist and a Fox News Contributor, suggested on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos should purchase the federal agency that is responsible for enrollment in ObamaCare.

Bezos bought the nation's capital's most widely-read newspaper, The Washington Post, earlier this year.

"What the administration is trying to do is sell something on-line that it can't do it," Will said. "Get Jeff Bezos, he bought the Washington Post. Let him buy the Department of Health and Human Services. He knows how to do this. The difference is people go to amazon.com  a) voluntarily and b) because they know what they want to buy. People go to healthcare.gov because they're under government coercion and they're confronted with something  that poll after poll indicates that they don't want to buy."