Frustrated by recent losses, Senate Republicans plan bigger role in primaries

FILE: Nov. 14, 2012: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell., center, on Capitol Hill in Washington, from left Sens. John Thune, McConnell, John Barrasso and Jerry Moran. (AP)

Senate Republican leaders, frustrated by losing winnable seats, are preparing to play a more assertive role in primary races, in consultation with the Tea Party and other conservative activists.

The strategy reflects a change from the 2012 election in which they took a relatively hands-off approach to party primaries, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Now, Senate leadership is likely to back a favored candidate in certain cases, as it had done in 2010 and before, bringing activists into the conversation earlier about potential nominees.

The Tea Party has been a confounding force and a source of energy for the Republican Party, It has lifted some to the party’s stars into power, among them Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. But it has also helped nominate candidates who weren’t strong enough to survive the general election.

Strategists cite five such races in the past two election. Senate Republicans have this week named Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran to lead the effort. To read more from The Wall Street Journal, click here: