Fox News Poll: Voters say repeal ObamaCare, expect new law will cost them

Voters think ObamaCare is going to hurt their wallet and over half want the law repealed, according to a new Fox News national poll.

By a large 47-11 percent margin, voters expect the 2010 health care law will cost them rather than save them money in the coming year.  Another 34 percent think the law won’t change their family’s health care costs.

Those negative expectations come at a time when a majority of the public remains unhappy with the way thing are going in the country (63 percent dissatisfied), and over half say they haven’t seen any signs the economy has started to turn the corner (57 percent).

Republicans are three times as likely as Democrats to think ObamaCare will cost them money over the next year (70 percent vs. 23 percent).  One Democrat in five expects the law will result in savings for their family (21 percent).

The poll asks people to take an up-or-down vote on ObamaCare: 40 percent say they would vote to keep the law in place, while just over half -- 53 percent -- would repeal it.

Over half of those under age 45 (51 percent) as well as those 45 and over (56 percent) would vote to repeal ObamaCare.

Most Republicans want the law repealed (by 85-13 percent) and so do independents (by 65-25 percent).  Most Democrats favor keeping ObamaCare (by 72-21 percent).

On July 2, the White House announced it was delaying implementation of some key provisions of the health care law because it had determined reporting requirements were too complex.  Some lawmakers charged this was an abuse of executive discretion under the Constitution and criticized the president for sidestepping Congress.  The reaction from voters is mixed:  45 percent say Obama’s actions are “unacceptable,” while 46 percent say “it’s no big deal.”

Majorities of Republicans (68 percent) and independents (55 percent) think Obama delaying parts of the law is unacceptable, while most Democrats say it’s no big deal (71 percent).

One provision of the law that has already gone into effect is the “Medical Loss Ratio” provision. It is expected to result in millions of Americans receiving rebate checks from their insurance companies for unspent premiums.  The first checks went out last year, and another batch is going out this summer.  Even so, only eight percent of voters say ObamaCare has saved them money since it was implemented.

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,017 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from July 21 to July 23.  The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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