Fox News Poll: Voters say Obama has made America weaker

By a decisive 20 percentage-point margin, Americans think the country is weaker under the leadership of President Obama, whose White House is seen as less competent than the previous two administrations.

These are just some of the findings from a new Fox News national poll.

Fifty-five percent of voters think the Obama administration has made America weaker. That includes 22 percent of Democrats, 59 percent of independents and 89 percent of Republicans.


Just over a third says the country is stronger under Obama (35 percent).

That’s a significant deterioration since 2010, immediately before the midterm elections, when voters said Obama had made America weaker by eight points (45-37 percent) (October 2010).

The new poll, released Wednesday, also finds that most voters -- 68 percent -- think the Obama administration is less competent than former President Bill Clinton’s administration. And a 48-percent plurality thinks it is less competent than former President George W. Bush’s.

It’s no surprise that most Democrats think Obama is more competent than Bush (76 percent) and that most Republicans think he’s less competent (81 percent). So what about independents? They say Obama is less competent than Bush by 47-34 percent. Another 14 percent say there’s no difference.

Majorities of Democrats (53 percent), independents (69 percent) and Republicans (84 percent) agree that Obama’s administration is less competent than Clinton’s.

Thirty-nine percent rate Obama’s leadership skills positively (excellent or good), while 61 percent rate him as only fair or poor. That’s unchanged from views in November 2013, and down slightly from 45-55 percent a year ago (May 2013).

More than three times as many voters rate Obama’s leadership skills as poor (35 percent) as say excellent (11 percent).

The president’s leadership ratings roughly match his overall job performance ratings, which also remain underwater: 40 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove. That’s near his record-low job rating of 38-54 percent in March 2014.

While his approval is down a bit from last month’s 44 percent, it’s mostly in line with the ratings he has received this year.

On foreign policy specifically, voters disapprove by 56-34 percent. Obama received a record-low 33 percent approval on foreign policy in March.

Thirty-nine percent of voters approve of Obama’s handling of health care, down from 43 percent last month. Some 58 percent disapprove.

Same story on the economy: a 58-percent majority disapproves of the job Obama is doing, while 39 percent approve. Last month, voters disapproved by 50-46 percent (May 2014).

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,006 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from June 1-3, 2014. The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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