Fox News Poll: Sanders up by 13 points in New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders is ahead of Hillary Clinton by a 50-37 percent margin among New Hampshire Democratic primary voters.

That’s according to the latest Fox News poll, released Friday.

Martin O’Malley receives three percent.


Sanders has increased his advantage over Clinton since mid-November, when he was up by just one point (45-44 percent).

The senator from neighboring Vermont continues to do well among the younger crowd.  Voters under age 45 pick him over Clinton by a 24-point margin (55-31 percent).

Men back Sanders by 23 points, while women give him the edge by seven.

In addition, Democrats in the Granite State would be much more satisfied with Sanders as the party’s nominee: 85 percent would be satisfied with him, while 68 percent would feel the same if Clinton wins.

While 79 percent of Clinton supporters would be happy with Sanders as the nominee, only 56 percent of his supporters would feel that way about a Clinton win.

The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The poll was conducted January 4-7, 2016, by telephone (landline and cellphone) with live interviewers among a sample of 800 New Hampshire registered voters selected from a statewide voter file.  Results based on the sample of 386 Democratic primary voters have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus five percentage points.

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