Fox News Poll: Fewer Americans feeling proud

A volunteer passes out American flags to supporters before GOP presidential candidates speak at a forum sponsored by Heritage Action at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, in Greenville, S.C. (AP Photo/Richard Shiro)

The number of Americans proud of their country has dropped significantly in the last five years, according to the latest Fox News Poll.

Pride is down 19 percentage points:  69 percent of voters were proud of America in 2011.  It’s 50 percent today.

And 46 percent say they aren’t proud, up from 28 percent.

Even so, more voters feel proud than think the Founders would be.

When asked how the Founding Fathers would feel if they could see the country today, just 19 percent think they would be proud.  That’s also down -- it was 26 percent in 2011.

Three quarters (75 percent) say the Founders wouldn’t be proud of the nation.


Among just those who themselves are proud, only 35 percent think the Founders would be.

The decline in pride of country is identical among men and women (-19 points).  The downward shift is larger among Republicans (-26 points) than independents (-17 points) and Democrats (-14 points).

Today, half of men (51 percent) and women (49 percent) are proud, as are 59 percent of Democrats, 49 percent of independents and 41 percent of Republicans.

As the Fourth of July nears, roughly six-in-ten voters say both major party presidential candidates are patriotic.  Sixty percent think Democrat Hillary Clinton is and 63 percent believe Republican Donald Trump is.

It’s no surprise most Democrats say Clinton is patriotic (88 percent) and most Republicans think Trump is (84 percent).

Independents are much more likely to feel Trump (69 percent) is patriotic than Clinton (49 percent).

Sixty-two percent of voters backing Clinton are proud of the country, while just 39 percent of those supporting Trump feel that way.

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cellphone interviews with 1,017 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from June 26-28, 2016.  The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points for all registered voters.

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