Fox News Poll: 58 percent say Obama administration incompetent at managing gov't

Has the Obama administration competently and effectively managed the government? A Fox News poll released Wednesday finds a majority of American voters says no -- including about a third of Democrats.

A 58-percent majority says the White House has not been competent at managing the federal government. Some 32 percent of Democrats join 67 percent of independents and 84 percent of Republicans in holding that view.

Click here for the poll results.

Forty percent of voters do say the administration has been competent at running the government.

Those marks are a bit worse than those Barack Obama receives on his overall job performance as president: 42 percent of voters approve, while 52 percent disapprove. Last month 41 percent approved and 54 percent disapproved (June 21-23, 2014).

Things look better for the White House when the questions focus on some specific issues. For example, 53 percent think the administration has been very (17 percent) or somewhat (36 percent) competent at managing the economy, while 45 percent disagree.

Obama’s job rating on the economy is the opposite: 40 percent approve, while 57 percent disapprove. Job performance ratings focus on what the president’s doing on the economy rather than just management competence.

Nearly six voters in 10 say the White House has been very (23 percent) or somewhat (35 percent) competent at managing national security.

The only other positive issue for the administration -- and its best issue -- is working on behalf of women’s rights: 65 percent say it has been competent on that (including 26 percent very competent).

Majorities consider the Obama administration incompetent at managing the medical care of veterans (57 percent), the crisis on the southern border (56 percent) and the implementation of Obamacare (52 percent).

Views are the most divided over fair treatment for everyone by the IRS: 45 percent say the administration has been competent managing that, while 49 percent disagree.

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,057 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from July 20-22, 2014. The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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