Fort Hood heroine says victims 'betrayed' by Obama

The heroine police sergeant who helped stop the Fort Hood killing spree and went on to sit with the First Lady at President Obama’s State of the Union speech three years ago has been laid off and says she and other victims of the shootings have been “betrayed” by the commander-in-chief.

"Betrayed is a good word," former Sgt. Kimberly Munley told ABC News in an interview Tuesday. "Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of. In fact, they've been neglected."

Maj. Nidal Hasan is accused of the November 2009 spree, which left 13 dead and 32 shot at the military base in Texas. Munley was shot three times as she and her partner confronted Hasan. Prosecutors say Hasan was a disgruntled Army psychiatrist and Muslim who had become radicalized through communications with Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki, which Fox News has reported on extensively.

Last year, Fox News Channel did an extensive expose on the shooting and the treatment of victims that followed called "The Enemy Within." In addition to interviews with several of the Fort Hood victims, Fox News' Catherine Herridge spoke to Senators Joe Lieberman, (I-Conn.), and  and Susan Collins, (R-Maine), who spearheaded a Senate investigation into the case. Lieberman questioned the Obama administration's refusal to term the incident terrorism, and both said there were numerous red flags involving Hasan that were ignored prior to the massacre.

"My conclusion after the investigation of the Fort Hood incident was that the massacre could have been prevented," Lieberman told Fox News.

Hasan is awaiting a military trial on murder charges.

Munley said she has been laid off from her position on Fort Hood’s civilian police force.

The White House and Pentagon have refused to characterize the attack as terrorism, instead terming it “workplace violence.” The victims have been denied Purple Hearts and are suing the military because they claim the "workplace violence" designation gives them diminished access to medical care and financial benefits normally available to those whose wounds are designated as "combat related."

Pentagon spokesman George Little told Fox News no military victims have been neglected in the wake of the shooting spree.

"The Department of Defense is committed to the highest care of those in our military family," Little said. "Survivors of the incident at Fort Hood are eligible for the same medical benefits as all service members. The Department of Defense is also committed to the integrity of the ongoing court martial proceedings of Maj. Nadal Hassan and for that reason will not at this time further characterize the incident."

Munley told ABC the White House used her for political advantage by having her sit next to Michelle Obama during the president's 2010 State of the Union address.

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