
Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is making all the right moves for someone looking to make another Senate run. This time, however, the seat Brown might seek is in neighboring New Hampshire.

Brown, who lost a re-election bid in Massachusetts in 2012, has over the past few weeks become markedly more receptive to the idea of challenging Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, of New Hampshire, and sources close to the Brown say the odds of him running have risen to 50-50.

“He's certainly leaving the option open, whereas he's closed the door on other races,” including a special Senate election in Massachusetts to fill the seat vacated by Secretary of State John Kerry, and a bid for Massachusetts governor, said one strategist familiar with Brown's thinking. “The only door he's leaving open is New Hampshire Senate.”

Brown is in no hurry to make a decision before the New Year, but he has been dropping public hints that he's interested. Last month, he erased the "MA" (for Massachusetts) from his Twitter handle, which is now just @SenScottBrown. He established a political action committee in New Hampshire that made a $10,000 contribution to the state GOP. And on Dec. 19, he'll headline a New Hampshire state Republican holiday reception.

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