
Several combat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder were denied access to a Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in Viera, Fla., because their service dogs apparently didn’t have the proper paperwork.

The vets were rebuffed by security officers. But when they refused to leave the situation nearly spiraled out of control.

Rory Dobis, founder of Paws 4 Boots, told Watchdog.org that he was attempting to assist several veterans in acclimating their dogs to the VA facility where they regularly come to receive physical and mental health treatment.

“I was trying to take one or two of my service dogs inside and make sure they were behaving properly so that my veterans would know that it’s OK,” he said.

Dobis, who also suffers from PTSD and is a former U.S. Army military police dog trainer, said he takes his dog in all the time.

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