EXCLUSIVE: Sources Point to Brown's Wife As Voice Heard Calling Whitman A "Whore"

People with knowledge of what happened inside the room say the voice heard calling Meg Whitman a "whore" is none other than Jerry Brown's wife.

The slur was part of a voicemail revealed on Thursday, wherein Jerry Brown called a Los Angeles police union seeking support. Brown evidently thought he had hung up, but the recording continued and an impromptu campaign strategy session ensued.

During the conversation someone called Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman a "whore," for allegedly cutting a deal with the police union in exchange for their endorsement.

The Brown campaign is making no official comment on the matter, however people with knowledge of what went on in the room tell Fox News that the voice heard on tape calling Meg Whitman a "whore" is Jerry Brown's wife, Anne Gust Brown.

"The person who said that word is someone who can't be fired... Jerry's wife can't be fired." said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Many people who have heard the tape think one of the voices uttering the slur is actually Jerry Brown, which will lead some to conclude that the Brown campaign is attempting to insulate the candidate by fingering the only person within the camp who could take the blame without being fired, the candidate's spouse.Who else, after all, could be publicly forgiven for causing such a huge distraction in the final days of one of the most expensive and interesting races in the entire 2010 midterm election?

The story drove the Brown campaign underground on Saturday.

After originally telling reporters Brown would be part of a statewide 'Day of Action' get out the vote effort on Saturday, not only did Brown not participate, but campaign insiders now tell Fox News that Brown will not take part in any public events before the next debate with Meg Whitman.

That debate will take place in the San Francisco suburb of Marin County next Tuesday.

Anne Gust Brown is not only Jerry Brown's wife, but is also a senior adviser on his gubernatorial campaign, who managed his campaign for Attorney General in 2006.

Brown and Gust have been together for 20 years and married for five. Gust spent much of her career as a high powered businesswoman, most recently the chief administrative officer for clothing retailer 'The Gap.'