Exclusive: Marco Rubio's new Iowa ad

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. (AP)

Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio ‎is releasing a new TV ad in the crucial early voting state of Iowa ahead of the White House aspirant's return to the Hawkeye state this week.

The campaign will be releasing the advertisement publicly Monday morning.

The ad uses portions of Rubio's presidential announcement speech in Miami, last April -- and focuses on his generational argument that he now often cites on the campaign trail.

"This election is a generational choice about what kind of country we will be. And before us now is the opportunity to author the greatest chapter yet in the amazing story of America," Rubio says in the TV ad as shots of the audience on displayed. "We can’t do that by going back to the leaders and ideas of the past."

"We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them," Rubio adds.

In the latest Quinnipiac Iowa poll among likely Iowa GOP caucus participants, Rubio is in 4th place--behind Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Dr. Ben Carson.