Elizabeth Warren says she'll wear Planned Parenthood scarf to her inauguration

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has said she will show support for the nation's largest abortion provider during her inauguration if she won the 2020 presidential election.

During a campaign stop on Monday, Warren recalled attending President Trump's inauguration in 2017 while wearing a scarf embroidered with the words "Planned Parenthood."

"I'm going to be wearing that scarf when I'm sworn as president of the United States," she told a crowd in Iowa.

Warren's gesture would offer support for an organization that has become a symbol of perhaps the most polarizing issue in American politics. The organization vociferously fights abortion restrictions and, according to its annual reports, has performed more than 300,000 abortions annually for the past several years.


Warren has proposed a federal law protecting women's right to an abortion, preempting state laws that regulate abortion access. She's also pledged to oppose the Hyde Amendment, a decades-old bipartisan measure that blocks taxpayer funding for most abortions.

According to Open Secrets, the organization donated $5,842 to Warren in 2018 and $16,492 in 2012.

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini responded on Tuesday, calling her policies "wildly out of touch."

“Senator Warren’s abortion policies – including advocating for late term abortion laws- are wildly out of touch with mainstream America, which would limit abortion to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy. The Senator would do well to study Americans’ views on this topic, rather than pander to the nation’s largest abortion provider," Mancini told Fox News.

For years, Congress has debated revoking funding for the organization. When the issue came up in 2015, Warren delivered a fiery speech defending the group on the Senate floor.

President Trump eventually forced the group into a corner on Title X funding when he restricted grants from facilities where abortion is "a method of family planning."


Planned Parenthood sued the Trump administration over that rule and another requiring conscience protections for doctors who oppose performing abortion and other procedures on religious grounds.

Trump and state Republicans' pro-life agenda has sparked a wave of backlash from groups like Planned Parenthood. The group announced in October that it would pour $45 million into the 2020 elections, its largest electoral effort yet.

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