Republican voters in Georgia must turn out for next month's Senate runoff elections, regardless of how disappointed they may be with the outcome of last month's presidential elections, House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins, R-Ga., told "The Story" Thursday.

"People cannot give up on the system," Collins told host Martha MacCallum. "Right now, we have to turn our voters back out."

Elsewhere in the segment, Collins alleged that 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams had worked to "weaken" election standards in the Peach State through her role in forging a "consent decree" adjusting election rules. 

"We have been shining a lot of sunshine on this ...  including asking questions, harder questions of the secretary of state," Collins asked. "Why did they enter the decree? Why did we go ahead and agree to sending an absentee ballot request to every registered voter in Georgia? 

According to Collins, Democrats "went out and encouraged their voters to use the absentee ballot system to make it work. That is what we saw. So, for Republicans, it is time for us to also get back out and make sure every vote we have gets out to vote."


The Judiciary Committee ranking member emphasized that "if Georgia Republicans and conservatives do not show up and vote, then there is no way that we keep these seats, and that is what has got to happen. I do not want to see Chuck Schumer become the [majority] leader in the Senate, in which we don't have just a change in the Senate, we have a reversion in the Senate."

"You've got to vote David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler," Collins concluded, "because if we don't, for Trump voters, it is a vote not to keep what Trump has done. We've got to make that clear. This election is that important."