
White men need not apply.

That’s the message from a Democratic National Committee data services  manager, currently on the hunt to filll multiple vacancies in the tech department.

The political organization, which routinely makes grand statements about inclusion, recently sent an email to its employees looking to recruit people for eight open spots including IT Systems Administrator, Product Manager and Chief Security Officer.

Though the Oct. 30 email says that the DNC is looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” it apparently doesn’t mean white men.

DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”

Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned to at birth.

“The email in question was not authorized by the DNC nor was it authorized by senior leadership," spokesman Michael Tyler told Fox News. "All hiring decisions at the DNC are made consistent with the DNC’s commitment to equal employment opportunity and hiring an inclusive and talented staff that reflects the coalition of the Democratic Party, because our diversity is our greatest strength.”

The Daily Wire, which first reported the incident, posted a screenshot of the email sent to DNC insiders.