The Democratic National Committee says it will spend $22 million to run ads on YouTube in 14 battleground states across the country starting in September, as the general election kicks into high gear.

In an announcement Monday, the DNC said the ads would help boost turnout for the party’s eventual presidential nominee as well as incumbents and candidates running in down-ballot races. It’s part of the DNC’s effort to defeat President Trump, retake the Senate and hold the Democrats' majority in the House.


“Now more than ever, it’s critical that we reach voters where they are online -- and this digital program will help us mobilize the voters we need to make Donald Trump a one-term president,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement.

By making these kinds of historic, early investments in our battlegrounds and campaign infrastructure, the DNC is putting our eventual nominee and Democrats running at every level of the ballot in the strongest possible position to secure victory in November,” he added.

The ad buy marks the most the DNC’s shelled out so far this cycle and it’s far more than the national party organization reserved at this point in the 2016 election cycle.

While the $22 million ad reservation is significant, it comes as the Trump re-election team and Republican National Committee have spent vast sums on digital, dishing out tens of millions of dollars to run ads on Facebook during 2019 and the first three months of this year.

The DNC’s ads are scheduled to start running on Sept. 1 in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. One month later, they kick off in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.

The DNC’s ad buy was first reported by The New York Times.