If House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., succeeds in his reported push to become the Golden State's next attorney general, it would "make the House Intelligence Committee much better," panel ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told "Fox News Primetime" Wednesday.

Fox News has reported that Schiff, the 10-term congressman from Burbank, is privately lobbying California Gov. Gavin Newsom for the role. The office is vacant after Newsom nominated Democrat Alex Padilla to serve out the term of Vice President Kamala Harris. 

"The House Intelligence Committee no longer exists," Nunes told host Trey Gowdy. "It's now the House Impeachment Committee. I think this Congress, we're actually going to be looking into domestic terrorists using the House Intelligence Committee. And as you know, that's not the jurisdiction of the House Intelligence Committee. The intelligence committees are made to actually look at foreign intelligence, not domestic intelligence.

"So the Democrats have made it clear that what they want to do is they want to take the 74 million people that voted for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, for president, and we're now going to go and investigate all of them because clearly something must be wrong with them," Nunes added. "That appears like where they're headed in this Congress. So what would be California's loss or gain, however you want to put it, would actually, I think, make the House Intelligence Committee much better. Maybe we would get back to work and become an intelligence committee again."


Nunes stressed that he had "no idea" whether Schiff was actually a contender to become California's next attorney general.

"The larger problem we have in California that a lot of people don't realize is there's been a systematic approach by extreme left-wing groups to remove actual liberal Democrats -- this actually happened -- as county district attorneys," the Republican explained.

"I'm not sure if there's more afoot here, if this is some of the same billionaires that are looking to put people [but] Schiff would fill that bill," Nunes added. "He would be very progressive. He would probably work closely with these extremists that are being put in across the country as district attorneys. "


Gowdy, the former chairman of the House Oversight Committee opened the program by saying that he would be "hard-pressed to think of any lawyer I worked with in Congress who is less qualified to be a prosecutor than Adam Schiff."

"I get the next attorney general [of Calilfornia] will not share any of my political views. I'm fine with that," Gowdy added. "But you can still find someone honest and fair and trustworthy. There are plenty of progressives who still value the truth. Adam Schiff is not one of them."