Democratic Rep. Not Seeking Re-election

UPDATE: Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla., released a statement explaining why he will not seek re-election in 2012. It reads in part:

"This is not an easy decision for me. It was based on the demands of constant campaigning, and most importantly spending too much time away from my family which includes two very young children...

"At the end of this term, I will have served a decade in elected office which includes the Oklahoma Legislature and the Congress. I am proud of the record of independence and bipartisanship that our office has undertaken...

"It is my intention to serve out the balance of my term and not letting up until my time is completed. I want to thank my family, especially my wife Andrea, our wonderful staff, and again the great people of the Second District of Oklahoma."


Fox has confirmed that Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla., will not seek re-election next year.

This is a huge blow to Democrats, a big-time Blue Dog and the only Democrat in serious Republican territory. Democrats really need this seat if they are going to win control of the House back in 2012. This retirement neutralizes the Kathy Hochul pickup in New York two weeks ago.

Boren is the only Democrat in the Oklahoma delegation and anyone other than Boren would be hard-pressed to hold that district.

Boren is the son of former Sen. David Boren, also from Oklahoma.

Boren won his seat in the fall of 2004. Before that he served in the state House of Representatives for a few years. The younger Boren was outspoken about the health care reform bill and openly criticized decisions by the House Democratic leadership and the decision by Nancy Pelosi to stick around as minority leader in this Congress.

Boren's retirement underscores the continued trend of attrition for moderate Democrats in the House. There are few left after last fall's debacle for Democrats. And it reveals that both parties in the House are growing increasingly polarized.