Dem Rep. Steve Cohen likes tweet saying Tim Scott ‘might as well be’ White

After Fox News requested comment from his office, Cohen deleted his original tweet and removed the like

Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen liked a tweet on Monday that said GOP Sen. Tim Scott “might as well be” White and suggested President Trump killed Herman Cain by contributing to his exposure to the coronavirus.

Cohen, in a since-deleted tweet, wrote after Scott spoke of being a Black Republican during a high-profile speech at the Republican National Convention: “The Republican convention is a mirror of the Trump base:white, and as he likes to say, 'the poorly educated.'" One user responded to Cohen's tweet to point out that Scott, R-S.C. is not White.

“He might as well be,” responded another user. The user said: “He is Trump’s new black friend since he killed the last one with Covid," referring to Cain.

Cohen hit the like button on that tweet.

After Fox News requested comment from his office, Cohen deleted his original tweet and removed the like from the response. Fox News captured screenshots before the removal.

A Cohen spokesman did not immediately respond to the request for comment. Scott could not be reached either.

The Trump campaign fired back at Cohen.

“Joe Biden said Black Americans who don’t automatically support him aren’t actually Black, and his fellow Democrats are proving he meant what he said,” said Ken Farnaso, a Trump campaign who used to be an aide to Scott. “These racist attacks against Americans of color who refuse to think and vote the way the Democrat Party demands are disgusting. No wonder so many of them are finding a new home in President Trump’s welcoming and diverse Republican Party.”

Cain, a former presidential candidate and chair of Black Voices for Trump, died of coronavirus on July 30 after a monthlong battle. He contracted the virus nine days after attending the president’s Tulsa rally.

Scott solidified himself as an up-and-comer in Republican leadership to many during his speech at the Republican Convention’s opening night.

In one of the most stinging lines of the night, the South Carolina senator declared: “Make no mistake: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want a cultural revolution. A fundamentally different America.”


Scott hit Biden for his recent racial gaffes and for the 1994 crime bill, which he said “put millions of Black Americans behind bars.”

The senator has been the target of racially charged swipes from fellow members of Congress before.

Sen. Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., apologized to the Palmetto State Republican after he called Scott’s police reform bill a “token” approach.

“We cannot waste this historic moment,” Durbin said of the reform bill offered in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. “Let’s not do something that is a token, half-hearted approach.” Ultimately no police reform was reached.


Scott said that Durbin’s remark “hurts us all” in a speech on the Senate floor.