De Blasio says Trump administration played 'valuable role' in getting COVID-19 vaccine quickly

De Blasio's comments came after President-elect Biden said administration deserves 'credit'

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday praised the Trump administration for its "valuable role" in getting a coronavirus vaccine out quickly -- after President-elect Joe Biden said the administration deserves credit.

"In terms of getting the vaccine, yes, I do think the president and his administration contributed substantially to getting a vaccine in this kind of time frame," he said. "That's a really good thing."

De Blasio was asked by Fox News about comments Biden had made when receiving the vaccine on Monday. The president-elect said at the time: "I think the administration deserves some credit for getting us off the ground with Operation Warp Speed," referring to the federal initiative to get the vaccine out.


De Blasio, a regular and vocal critic of President Trump, noted that he had previously praised the administration in the early days of the crisis in terms of distribution of PPE and other supplies: "I made it a regular point to thank them and give them their due praise for the ways that they helped New York City."

Hizzoner also said that he has a lot of criticism for how the administration has handled the crisis.

"I would also say, you know, they dropped the ball profoundly in the beginning of this crisis and exacerbated it throughout with their actions, with their words, and also failed to provide us a stimulus, which obviously the president could have been the difference-maker on," he said.

"But if you're saying, did they play a valuable role in getting us a vaccine quickly, yes, I do believe that," he added.


De Blasio has been urging New Yorkers to get the vaccine as part of a massive rollout to get as many New Yorkers inoculated from the virus. 

He said Tuesday that he was hopeful that there would be "widespread" vaccination in New York City by June.

President Trump, meanwhile, said the distribution of the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines is going "very smoothly."


"Distribution of both vaccines is going very smoothly," the president tweeted. "Amazing how many people are being vaccinated, record numbers."

"Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump administration has accomplished," Trump added. "They said it couldn’t be done!!!"

Fox News’  Paul Steinhauser and Brooke Singman contributed to this report.

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