A former California congressman who’s headed back to the House next year, compared President Trump’s additions to the Republican Party to those of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. 

“I believe that Donald Trump has added to the Republican Party just as Lincoln did and Reagan did and Goldwater did,” Darrell Issa said on "Fox News Saturday." “These are lasting people still mark each of those historical figures in a very special way. And so I think when you take the party of Reagan, and then you add Lincoln, then you add Trump you get our party.” 


The California Republican is a nine-term congressman and ardent supporter of President Trump. He won his race last week in California’s 50th District, two years after he retired as congressman from the increasingly Democratic 49th District.

He once headed the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and became a GOP favorite for launching a string of investigations of the Obama administration. 

Issa was among a group of Republican congressional candidates who fared well even though Trump was trounced in California by Democrat Joe Biden. GOP candidates had leads of varying sizes in four California districts won by Democrats in 2018. Republicans currently hold seven of California's 53 House seats. 

Issa has supported the president’s claims of potential mass voter fraud and procedural violations in the vote count, tweeting last week: “President Trump — I stand with you, just as you have stood with me from 2016 until today. The fact that poll watchers are not being allowed to adequately supervise certain recounts is completely unacceptable. This is America. Election integrity comes first.”


Fox News has called the presidential race for Joe Biden, but Trump's team is fighting the results in court in a number of swing states. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.