Darrell Issa subpoenas documents from Kathleen Sebelius on ObamaCare website

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on Thursday subpoenaed documents from the Health and Human Services Department related to Obamacare's problem-plagued website.

The California Republican is officially subpoenaing the documents from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, but the subpoena is not demanding that she testify before Issa's committee. In a statement, the Oversight and Government Reform chairman said Sebelius has repeatedly declined to provide information about the healthcare.gov insurance exchanges and the troubles the website has faced since it launched on Oct. 1.

“The administration’s failure to provide answers about what led to the disastrous launch of healthcare.gov and what is being done to fix it is completely unacceptable,” Issa said. “The evidence is mounting that the website did not go through proper testing, including critical security testing, and that the administration ignored repeated warnings from contractors about ongoing problems.”

The subpoena requires Health and Human Services to turn over documents “related to technical problems with healthcare.gov, the testing that went into the website and the number of people who have enrolled and attempted to enroll in federal exchanges through healthcare.gov” no later than noon on Nov. 13. Issa requested the same information in letters he sent to Sebelius on Oct. 10 and Oct. 24.

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