Dan Bongino: Biden 'surrounded by radical leftists,' admin would be 'most radical left' in history

'If people are policy, who is Joe Biden surrounding himself with? What people?' he said

The Biden administration would be the most radical left in modern American history, said Fox News contributor Dan Bongino on Monday.

"Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you,” Bongino told “Fox & Friends.”

"People are politics, and people are policy. In other words, who you surround yourself with is in fact your policy especially with the growth of the regulatory state where people can just interpret what the law is," Bongino said. "If people are policy, who is Joe Biden surrounding himself with? What people?"

Biden has Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., running environmental policy and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., running economic policy, Bongino said.


Bongino was reacting to President Barack Obama in a recent interview saying that from a "40,000-foot level" Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Sanders have similar policy goals.

“They both want to make sure everybody has health care," Obama said in an interview with the New Yorker. "They want to make sure everybody can get a job that pays a living wage. They want to make sure every child gets a good education.”

However, Obama suggested that during his political career Biden has moved on some key issues because "circumstances have changed.”

“A lot of times, the issue has to do with ‘How do we go about that, and what are the coalitions we need?’ ” the former president said. “What I think the moment has done is to change some of those calculations, not because necessarily Joe’s changed but because circumstances have changed."


“Biden is an empty vessel. He’s a blank slate ... meaning all of these radical leftists he has surrounding him are just going to write on him like a blackboard and just going to put on him all of these taxes and environmental policies. It’s going to be a total disaster,” Bongino said.

Fox News' Daniella Genovese contributed to this report.

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