Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo appeared defiant in newly released video from his summer testimony relating to the sexual assault allegations that led to his eventual resignation.

"You’ve investigated me for six years," Cuomo tells U.S. Attorney Joon Kim at one point during his testimony, alluding to a 2014 federal corruption investigation of Cuomo in which Kim served as chief counsel.

The former Democratic governor was in the process of responding to allegations that he touched a staffer's breasts during a hug at the governor's mansion, something Cuomo repeatedly said "never happened."


Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

"I would have to lose my mind to do some — such a thing. It would be an act of insanity to touch a woman’s breast and make myself vulnerable to a woman for such an accusation," Cuomo said.

In the video released by the New York Attorney Generals’ office Monday, Cuomo appears defiant as he brushes off accusations against him, insisting that "numerous people have tried to set me up" and that he is cautious in his interactions with people.

During another exchange, Cuomo appears to dodge questions about whether a woman mentioned in testimony was his "girlfriend."

"How do you want to define ‘girlfriend?’" Cuomo asked.

"Did you date her?" Kim asked.

"How do you want to define ‘date?’" Cuomo responded.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. (Photo by Handout/DNCC via Getty Images)

At another point, Cuomo accused Kim of doing the bidding of former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who Cuomo speculated may have "political aspirations against" him.

"You know that I said that Preet and you were unethical and should not be considered for attorney general," Cuomo said. "Preet Bharara has political aspirations, may have political aspirations against me. His rabbi, your rabbi, Sen. Schumer, called for my resignation."

New York Attorney General Letitia James first made public earlier this month the transcripts of Cuomo's testimony and her office's interviews with 10 women who accused Cuomo of harassment. More transcripts containing interviews with staff and outside advisers were released Monday, along with video of Cuomo's hours-long testimony.

A spokesperson for Cuomo blasted the "selective" release of materials, accusing James of doing so with political motivations.


Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. ((AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool))

"Today’s manipulated release of hand picked witness testimony with selective redactions is typical. She even edited the Governor’s video testimony," the spokesperson said in a statement Monday. "It is also no coincidence that she decided to release select transcripts minutes before one of her rivals declared for governor."

James' office did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment.