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Cruz is a ‘dark meat guy,’ Obama still loves pie. What Republicans & Democrats will be eating on Thanksgiving
America's politicians share their favorite Thanksgiving dishes with Fox News Digital -- from fan-favorites like apple pie to the Southern classics like giblet gravy and pecan pie.
- A spokesperson for Former President Obama told Fox News "his love of pie is well-documented!" In fact, the former President once mentioned pie 15 times in a West Philadelphia campaign speech back in 2008. His favorite is the all-American classic, apple moreGetty Images / Getty ImagesShare
- Nikki Haley’s family favorites include the classics – turkey, honey-baked ham, green beans. But the former Republican Governor of South Carolina told Fox that the sides are the stars of the show with sweet potato casserole and butter rolls with Palmetto Cheese at the top of the moreGetty Images / Getty ImagesShare
- Sen. Marsha Blackburn is looking forward to eating cranberry chutney -- recipe unknown. The Republican says she's reflective this year on the freedoms in America and the sacrifices of the men and women in the military. She and her husband, Chuck are grateful for their two grandsons and moreReuters | Getty Images / Fox NewsShare
- Published14 Images
Cruz is a ‘dark meat guy,’ Obama still loves pie. What Republicans & Democrats will be eating on Thanksgiving
America's politicians share their favorite Thanksgiving dishes with Fox News Digital -- from fan-favorites like apple pie to the Southern classics like giblet gravy and pecan pie.
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- Cruz is a ‘dark meat guy,’ Obama still loves pie. What Republicans & Democrats will be eating on Thanksgiving
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