Conway on 'Hannity': Trump has 'great record of accomplishments' in first 100 days

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway told Fox News' "Hannity" Tuesday that President Trump had put together "a great record of accomplishments' in the first 100 days of his administration and vowed more changes would be coming at a "breakneck pace."

Conway told Sean Hannity that voters are judging Trump "based on what they see, and they see ... constant action, they see constant moves toward progress and keeping those campaign promises and doing the right thing.

"He’s also been incredibly responsive as [C-I-C] to events and circumstances that he did not start, but his response has been swift and resolute and decisive and that of a leader," Conway added.

Conway also praised members of Congress for continuing to work on a replacement for ObamaCare after an initial effort collapsed in the House of Representatives last month. She also said the administration was "working really hard" on tax reform and promised that ObamaCare replacement and tax reform would happen "in the next few months."

"They’re happening at a breakneck pace, and I think that’s difficult for some people to digest," Conway said. "People pretend they like change and revolution, but when they get it, it’s very difficult for some people to abide."