Controversial NYU professor attacks conservative figures in derogatory posts

New York University journalism professor Talia Lavin once again grabbed headlines when she took hefty jabs at leading figures in the conservative movement.

Lavin, who will teach a course called "Reporting on the Far Right," called former Navy SEAL and newly-elected Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, "captain s---head" on Friday. She was deriding Crenshaw for discussing criticism he received after blasting Rep. Ilhan Omar's, D-Minn., controversial comments about the attacks on September 11.

"[T]he real victim, captain s---head, speaks," Lavin tweeted above a video of Crenshaw and his comments on the backlash. In an archived version of that Twitter thread, Lavin seemed to double down amid criticism and called Crenshaw "lieutenant commander s----head."

"[O]h [I] see the right-wing pearl clutchers are here. [S]orry, it's my right to criticize a political hack who was also once a troop," she tweeted.

Crenshaw was just one of many to criticize Omar after she referred to the events on 9/11 as "some people did something."

“First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as 'some people who did something,'" he tweeted. "Unbelievable."


Lavin also took aim at conservative author Ben Shapiro in an op-ed published Monday after Shapiro and others reacted to the devastating fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Lavin appeared to tie Shapiro's reaction to both the manifesto produced by New Zealand shooter Brenton Tarrant, as well as to right-wing nationalist Richard Spencer, whom she called a "professional racist."

"[F]ast-talking far-right pundit Ben Shapiro called Notre Dame a “monument to Western civilization” and “Judeo-Christian heritage.” Given the already-raging rumors about potential Muslim involvement, these tweets evoked the specter of a war between Islam and the West that is already part of numerous far-right narratives; it was also a central thread in the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, the alleged Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter[...]Richard Spencer, professional racist and coiner of the term “alt-right,” openly advocated for such warfare, stating (and misspelling) his hopes that the fire would “spur the White man into action — to sieze power in his countries, in Europe, in the world,” and declaring such an insurgence a “glorious purpose.”

— Talia Lavin, The Washington Post

Shapiro quickly rebutted her comments, calling them the "sheerest form of disgusting bulls***." "I blamed no one for the Notre Dame fire, since it was an accident by all available evidence, and imputing malicious intent to me is simply gross," he added.

Lavin caused an uproar last year when she suggested another Marine veteran and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) promoted Nazi symbolism. She later apologized and resigned from her position as a writer with The New Yorker.


“To Justin Gaertner, I apologize, sincerely: all I saw in you was the photo ICE tweeted, and not the human being depicted inside it," Lavin tweeted. "It was uncharitable, and the hasty deletion doesn't change that. I'm sorry and I have voluntarily resigned after three years at the New Yorker."

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