Conservative Group Offers Deal – Backing for Obama Jobs Plan, But No 2nd Term If It Fails

A Republican political group wants to raise the stakes on the president's jobs package, urging GOP leaders to pass the bill on the condition that President Obama pledges not to seek a second term if it fails to bring unemployment below 7.6 percent in a year.

The percentage is where the jobless rate was when Obama took office. In calling for Obama to take such a pledge, GOP Trust dug up a gem of a quote from February 2009, when Obama said in an interview that if the country doesn't make economic progress in three years, that will "be a one-term proposition."

While the economy has started growing at a very modest rate since then, the unemployment rate rose and remains stuck at 9.1 percent.

GOP Trust made clear it doesn't put a whole lot of stock in the bill, claiming the president doesn't actually want to pass it.

"The reason he doesn't want this bill to pass is because he would rather campaign on the legend of what he says the bill would do, than face an angry electorate after another failed economic gimmick," Director Scott Wheeler said in a statement. "We have a simple plan that will allow the president to prove his sincerity."

The group, a conservative political fundraising committee, plans to start running national ads endorsing its own proposal.

Obama, though, has blamed Republicans for stonewalling his economic proposals.

"I have done everything I can to try to get the Republican Party to work with me to deal with what is the biggest crisis of our lifetimes. And each time, all we've gotten from them is, 'No,'" he told ABC News.

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