Columba Bush during a fundraising event on March 18, 2015 in Sweetwater, Florida. (2015 Getty Images)
Columba Bush, the potential First Lady contender, has been mostly quiet some four days into her debut on social media.
The wife of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is expected to announce that he’s running for president, launched Twitter and Instagram accounts on Friday, and sent out two tweets the first day and two the following day.
Sunday and Monday there were no posts, but she tweeted early Tuesday.
Columba Bush’s social media foray is seen as the perfect alternative to the campaign spotlight, which she is said to loathe. Published reports say she will use the accounts to share family photos, shots of her during her husband’s anticipated presidential campaign, among other things.
She is tweeting in English and Spanish. Her profile description reads: “Proud Mother, Grandmother, and Wife of @JebBush. Advocate for Domestic Violence and Drug Prevention, the Arts.”
By Tuesday morning, she had more than 2,000 followers on Twitter, 4 posts and was following six accounts, including those of her husband and two sons.
Jeb Bush welcomed his wife to social media, and on Tuesday gave her kudos via Twitter.
“Very proud of all the work @ColumbaBush has done to help prevent domestic violence,” he tweeted.
Seemingly in sync with Columba Bush, on Monday President Barack Obama opened a new @POTUS account on Twitter, with tweets will come exclusively from the president.
With a frugal 92-character message — 48 short of maximum permitted — Obama on Monday declared: "Hello, Twitter! It's Barack. Really! Six years in, they're finally giving me my own account."
The account name — @POTUS — stands for the common acronym used for President of the United States.
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