Colorado's Dem governor faces social-media ridicule after unveiling state's new logo

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis unveils the state's new logo Tuesday. (FOX 31 Denver)

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis unveiled a new state logo Tuesday, but reactions on social media were widely negative, with many questioning the necessity of such a move and others ridiculing the Democrat for his choice of attire.

Polis described the new logo, which includes a multicolored “C” next to an evergreen tree, as an update of the “state brand.”

"The tree represents Colorado's natural resources and spirit," Polis said. "The red symbolizes Colorado's red soil and rocks. ... Yellow represents the state's abundant sunshine and wheat of the Great Plains. Our dual peaks represent the many mountains in our state. And our rich blue base represents water, which is absolutely critical to our state."


The state’s previous logo, which debuted in 2013 under former Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat who is now running for president, cost the state more than $2 million and was widely panned for its likeness to a carbon monoxide warning label, according to KKTV-TV of Colorado Springs.

But Polis insisted that the new logo wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime. He said he used "internal resources" and did not commission an outside firm to design the logo, which will supposedly be phased in over time, the Denver Post reported.

Twitter users were quick to cast doubt on Polis' claims, with many ridiculing the logo and comparing it to the drawing of a child.

"Governor Polis' vanity project of replacing Colorado's traditional logo is just another way to put his stamp on our state. A logo change is a huge waste of money, replacing the old one on documents, signage, checks, etc.," Twitter user Deb Moorland wrote. "There is no good reason for it."

“How many tax dollars were wasted in adding a tree and mountains to the C logo that’s been around for a long time?” one user wrote.

“Gov. Polis borrowed his kids’ crayons to design this logo,” another Twitter user wrote.

Polis was also mocked for wearing a wool knit cap emblazoned with the new logo during the press conference.

“Unfortunately, Polis looks like a doofus,” wrote one Twitter user. “He thinks he can pull this sort of this off. He can’t. He reminds me of Dukakis in his tank helmet.”


Polis, 43, a five-term congressman and technology entrepreneur, took office last October after defeating Republican state Treasurer Walker Stapleton. Polis made history for being the first openly gay person elected to the governor's office.

Fox News' Perry Chiaramonte contributed to this report.

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