House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina told Fox News host Neil Cavuto on "Your World" Tuesday that he is not concerned with President Biden's mental acuity after the president appeared to forget Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III's name:

Host Neil Cavuto: Congressman, I have to tell you, you haven’t avoided the media. You haven’t avoided any networks. You always talk to us throughout this whole process. I know you're not the president of the United States, but a lot of people are beginning to wonder, like the other day when he forgot his defense secretary’s name. Is there something we should be worried about or much ado about nothing?

Clyburn: This is much ado about nothing. I think you know as well as I do, I talked with the president about this. He has what we call stuttering. It’s always been a problem with this president. He’s been very open with that. It doesn’t affect his brain at all. But it sometimes affects his speech. So that’s an issue that all of us know is there. I don’t know why we keep trying to make something out of it.