House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., told Fox News Wednesday that President Trump should be legally prevented from holding elected office again as the House impeached him for an unprecedented second time. 

Clyburn told "Your World" that Trump did "the worst thing any president of these United States has ever done" when he held a rally on the Ellipse that precipitated last weeks riot at the U.S. Capitol.

"We're doing our jobs in the House of Representatives," he told host Neil Cavuto. "It's our job to impeach. Once the impeachment is done, it's up to the Senate to decide whether or not to convict."

Clyburn then recalled that  Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., "said in his closing remarks at the first impeachment that [Trump] won't be stopped. He will continue to do what he's been doing all of his life. 

"And here we are, back to another impeachment because he continued to do what he's always done."

Clyburn dismissed the notion that holding an impeachment trial of Trump after he leaves office is akin to "going after" a private citizen, saying: "The impeachment still stands. The Senate can take it up whenever they want to."

The Majority Whip also suggested that Trump's conduct bars him from holding office under Section III of the 14th Amendment, which prevents anyone from running for office who has led an "insurrection or rebellion" or given quarter to "enemies" of the state.


"Quite frankly he should be convicted and forever barred from holding any office of honor in this country for the rest of his life," Clyburn insisted.

"It's interesting that we're dealing with it [the 14th Amendment] here after a group of people descended upon this Capitol fanning the flames of racism. That is what was going on last Wednesday and that's what's been going on with this president for a long time," he added. "It would be good to use the 14th amendment to bar him from office."