Sarah Palin is either laying the groundwork for an imminent entry into the presidential race or having a whole lot of fun toying with political analysts.
Though the buzz surrounding a possible "mama grizzly" bid was until recently fading, the former Alaska governor kicked it back up with her "One Nation" bus tour through Iowa earlier this month. It just happened to coincide with the Ames Straw Poll and politics-rich Iowa State Fair.
She stoked the speculative fire once again on Friday, posting a slickly produced video of her trip on the SarahPAC website. In the video, which included shots of Palin interacting with the crowd interspersed with giddy media commentary, the narrator declared the ex-governor is still "grabbing the attention of Iowans and, yes, the media."
The real tease came at the end, with a written reminder to Iowans that Palin will "see you again" on Sept. 3. That's when Palin is expected to deliver a speech at a Tea Party rally in Indianola, Iowa.
Charlie Gruschow, co-founder of event host Tea Party of America, told he doesn't know what Palin will do at the rally, but that "all we're being told is that she's going to make a major announcement."
Tea Party of America has already started running radio ads in Iowa promoting the event. And the group's website has a poll asking readers not if but "when" Palin will announce her candidacy
Karl Rove, a Fox News analyst and former adviser to ex-President George W. Bush, said the movement looks "pre-presidential campaign" to him.
"I'm not much of a gambler but I'd put a little more money that she gets in than if she doesn't, because of the schedule she's got next week in Iowa, it looks like that of candidate, not celebrity," he told "Fox News Sunday."
Donald Trump, who had publicly entertained -- and then snuffed -- the thought of his own presidential campaign, said Monday that he thinks "she maybe is going to go into the race."
Trump said he previously didn't think she was entering and told Fox News that she was still undecided when he met with her in New York City this past May. But he suggested Palin's recent schedule and comments are that of a potential candidate.
He noted that she's already a known quantity.
"She certainly has a big voice in the Republican Party," Trump said.
Palin has the SarahPAC fundraising machine at her disposal should she decide to run. And the former vice presidential nominee has hardly faded from the GOP electorate's mind. She is still averaging about 10 percent in national polls, according to an average kept by RealClearPolitics. That's ahead of every other contender save for Texas Gov. Rick Perry -- the contest's newest official candidate -- and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
However, a Rasmussen Reports poll out Monday showed that President Obama would slay Palin in a head-to-head matchup if the election were held today. According to the poll, 50 percent would support Obama compared to 33 percent for Palin. Rasmussen notes this is the first time Obama has climbed out of the 40s in a hypothetical match.
John Fund, senior editor with the American Spectator, said he thinks Palin is merely toying with the media. He said he does not think Palin will enter the race at this point, and dismissed claims that the Republican field is too flawed to be competitive against the incumbent president.
"Every Democratic field has been accused of having the same problems," he said, citing the 1992 field from which emerged Bill Clinton. "Once someone has the nomination, they will have demonstrated campaign skills, campaign abilities that will become apparent. And they will be competitive."
Palin, as ever, is keeping the buzz alive. She told Fox News last week she is "still contemplating" whether to jump in the race. At the same time, she said, "you don't need a title to make a difference. You don't need to hold an office to make a difference."
Palin, whether she has made up her mind privately, may be running out of time to make that decision public.
Several Republican debates have already been held, and several are scheduled for next month.
"Her difficulty is, if she doesn't get in shortly after next week, then I think people are going to basically say she's not in, she won't be in, if she gets in, I'm not going to be for her," Rove said. "You can only tease so many times in the political process, and I think she is getting to the end of that."'s Judson Berger contributed to this report.