Clinton staffer claims WikiLeaks are 'fake'

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's top spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri claimed in a tweet Sunday that the WikiLeaks emails included fake information — without pointing to any prior case where one had been faked.

"Friends, please remember that if you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days - it's probably a fake," Palmieri tweeted Sunday.

WikiLeaks' official Twitter account shot back about an hour later. "Biggest 'whoppers' are those your campaign has been telling," it said. "WikiLeaks will continue its perfect record."

At press time, Palmieri had not done a follow-up tweet or otherwise explained why the emails might be fake. To date, not one that has been published by WikiLeaks, a website devoted to exposing government secrets, has been shown to have been fabricated or altered in any way.

For several weeks WikiLeaks has publishing daily batches of emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's private account. WikiLeaks has not said who gave it the emails, which were presumably obtained through an illegal hack.