Chris Christie: 'Imagine if it were me who deleted my emails?'

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie slammed the media Thursday for giving Hillary Clinton leeway in her State Department email scandal, compared to how much scrutiny he faced over "Bridgegate."

"Has there been coverage of the email situation with the secretary, absolutely. But the intensity of the coverage, and the relentlessness of the coverage is different. And that's where the bias is revealed," Christie said on CNBC Thursday, calling the reporting of his involvement in the scandal, in which he has not been directly implicated, a "rush to judgment."

"Fifteen months later ... everything that I said the day after that story broke, everything I said, has proven out to be true after three different investigations," he said.

Federal authorities charged three Christie allies this month, while Christie maintains his innocence in the shutting down of lanes on the George Washington Bridge, which crosses the Hudson River. The event was found to be political retaliation toward the mayor of Fort Lee.