C-SPAN online video feed of House floor briefly switches to Russian channel

C-SPAN's online stream of action of the floor of the House of Representatives mistakenly switched to a broadcast of RT for approximately ten minutes Thursday.

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., was speaking on the floor during a debate on the Securities & Exchange Commission when the online feed switched over to RT, which is funded by the Russian government.

C-SPAN spokesman Howard Mortman told Fox News that the switch may have been a routing issue and said the network is investigating.

The programming change did not affect C-SPAN's cable or satellite broadcast of the House floor. In addition, there was no interference with the floor feed that is controlled by the House of Representatives.

The programming glitch came hours after a power outage interrupted a Senate confirmation hearing for Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan. to head the CIA. The hearing reconvened in a different room.

The Architect of the Capitol's office says a local power company "de-energized" a system that feeds power to the Hart Senate Office Building. The office says the company, Pepco, quickly restored the lost power.

Fox News' Chad Pergram and the Associated Press contributed to this report.