Buttigieg soars, Biden slips, Sanders still on top in newest New Hampshire poll

MANCHESTER, N.H. – The latest poll numbers in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary show Pete Buttigieg surging.

A Suffolk University survey for the Boston Globe and WBZ-TV released Wednesday night indicates the former South Bend, Ind., mayor is closing in on front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont among likely voters in next Tuesday’s presidential primary in the Granite State, with former Vice President Joe Biden slipping.


Suffolk University is conducting a daily tracking poll in New Hampshire and their latest survey – conducted Tuesday and Wednesday – showed Sanders at 25 percent support among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, unchanged from the previous night. Buttigieg stood at 19 percent, up 4 percentage points from the previous poll, with Biden at 12 percent, edging down 3 points from the previous survey.

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg lands the endorsement of Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess, in Nashua, NH on Feb. 4, 2020

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of neighboring Massachusetts stands at 11 percent in the latest poll, with Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota at 6 percent and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii at 5 percent, billionaire environmental and progressive advocate Tom Steyer at 4 percent, and tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang registered at 2 percent. Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick registered at less than 1 percent, with 14 percent still undecided. New Hampshire voters are traditionally known as late deciders in the presidential primary.

The latest poll was conducted entirely after the delayed partial results from Iowa’s caucuses were released. Those numbers, which continue to trickle in, indicated Buttigieg in a virtual tie with Sanders at 26 percent in the caucuses, with Warren at 18 percent, Biden at 16 percent and Klobuchar at 12 percent.


"Pete Buttigieg is charging forward this week, coming from way off the pace to within striking distance of Bernie Sanders, while Joe Biden continues to fall and Elizabeth Warren has not moved,” David Paleologos, Suffolk University Polling Research Center director, told Fox News.

Former Vice President Joe Biden takes selfies with supporters during a campaign event in Somersworth, NH on Feb. 5, 2020

“Warren is the top second choice in the poll, so she could generate some late-breaking momentum of her own, especially from women who are more undecided than men," Paleologos added. "However, a Warren move could hurt Sanders, her public policy soulmate, because her gains might come at Sanders' expense, holding him down and helping Buttigieg's quest to catch Sanders."

The poll suggests that Buttigieg is siphoning voters away from Biden in a couple of key demographics. The 38-year old candidate’s up by 4 points among women while Biden slipped by a similar amount. Buttigieg made gains among registered Democrats in the latest figures, with Biden edging down.

And Biden dropped 6 points among voters over 65 – a core group of his support.

The Suffolk University poll interviewed 500 likely Democratic presidential primary voters in the Granite State on Tuesday and Wednesday, using live telephone operators. The sampling error is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

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