Bush, Rubio slam Clinton on Benghazi

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush got a big round of applause Thursday night after calling out Hillary Clinton as a "disaster" and suggesting a possible indictment over her email scandal.

Bush called the Democratic frontrunner a “national security disaster” during the primetime Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, and pointed to questions over the 2012 killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

Bush said Clinton, if elected, would be distracted by her personal issues during her first days in the White House.

He drew cheers after saying Clinton might be busy shuttling “between the White House and the courthouse.”

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took it a step further, saying Clinton was “disqualified for being commander in chief,” and accused her of mishandling classified information and hiding the truth about what happened in Benghazi from the families of those who died in the attack.

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