Bloomberg denies accusation after Warren says he once told employee to ‘kill’ unborn baby

The feud between Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg that began during last week’s presidential primary debate continued Tuesday night when the Massachusetts senator leveled an accusation that the billionaire businessman once told a pregnant employee to "kill" the unborn child.

In a heated exchange on the debate stage in Charleston, South Carolina, Warren recounted a story about being let go from her job as a special ed teacher because she was pregnant and said “at least I didn’t have a boss who told me to kill it.”

Bloomberg vehemently denied making the statement.

“I never said it, categorically I never said it,” the former New York City mayor said.

Bloomberg also apologized for off-color remarks he is reported to have made to female employees, but he has declined to address Warren’s call that he issue a more blanket release from nondisclosure agreements than the three women he has recently released.

“The trouble with the senator is enough is never enough,” he said.

Warren’s accusations come following a recent Washington Post report claiming that Bloomberg told an employee to "kill it" when he learned she was pregnant. Bloomberg and his campaign have repeatedly denied making the comment, but the businessman’s campaign has faced tough questioning over the past few weeks about his past comments toward female employees.

Warren’s attack on Bloomberg did not just focus on his comments toward, but also his past financial support of Republican candidates.

“In 2012, he swooped in to defend another right-wing Republican against a woman challenger,” Warren said. “That woman was me. It didn’t work, but he tried hard.”

Bloomberg also responded to criticism by Warren that he is the “riskiest” candidate in the Democratic presidential field, saying that he’s the choice “that makes the most sense.”

He said: “I have the experience, I have the resources, and I have the record.”

Bloomberg added that he is best positioned to run the country because he ran the city of New York.

He said: “I have been training for this job since I stepped on the pile that was still smoldering on 9/11."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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