House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said on Thursday's "Fox News Primetime" that President Biden seeking a diplomatic return to Libya "doesn't make sense" as the U.S. faces a number of domestic crises.

"When I talk with folks around our [congressional] district. They are not talking about getting American presence back in Libya. They're talking about the crisis on the border. They are talking about the fact that crime has spiked because Democrats defund the police," Jordan said. "They are talking about the price of everything, inflation is driving the price of everything up. And they are talking about the fact that employers can't find employees because Joe Biden keeps paying people not to work."

Jordan, who notably questioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the attack on the U.S. embassy, said that going back into Libya is not what the American people want. 

Jordan described the bravery of Benghazi victims like Tyrone Woods and Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, and said their legacies were already tarnished when Obama-Biden administration official Susan Rice, who is now Biden's top domestic policy adviser, blamed the attack on an anti-Islamic internet video.

"While Tyrone Woods was still on the roof of the annex defending his [fellow Americans], the Clinton State Department was already trying to blame it on a video. Of course, Susan Rice went on the Sunday shows a few days after that and made that same argument; mislead the entire country somehow the video was a catalyst for this. I don't know why we are heading back," he said.

Jordan contrasted with the Biden administration's eagerness to return to the country with the Obama administration's refusal to send backup for Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues for at least 24 hours. 


"There has been chaos there for I don't know how many years now. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to the American people," he said.

Jordan added that the American people would rather see Biden put a halt to rising inflation, secure the southern border, and support law enforcement in cities where crime is rising.