Biden expected to address Congress April 28
President Biden will address a joint session of Congress on April 28, nearly 100 days after taking office.
The nation's partisan divide hit record highs during former President Donald Trump's four-year tenure running the country. And new polling suggests there's no letup now that President Biden is in the White House.
Biden stands at 54% approval and 41% disapproval in a national poll released Wednesday by Monmouth University. That's pretty close to Biden's 55% approval and 40% disapproval in an average of the latest presidential approval ratings surveys averaged by Real Clear Politics.
But the Monmouth survey indicates that the already large partisan divide over Biden is widening.
Ninety-five percent of Democrats in the new poll give Biden a thumbs up on the job he is doing as president. That's up four points from Monmouth's March survey.
But 88% of Republicans say they disapprove of the job Biden is doing, a jump of eight points in a month.
Independents are divided on the president's performance in his brief tenure, with 47% approving and 43% disapproving.
Monmouth University Polling Institute director Patrick Murray says one reason behind the divide is that "we are seeing an increase in the number of people who call themselves independent. That means the remaining self-identified Democrats and Republicans are more likely to be highly partisan, and this is reflected in the huge gap in Biden's approval rating."
The Monmouth University poll was conducted April 8-12, with 800 adults nationwide questioned by live telephone operators. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.