A resurfaced 2015 video showing former Vice President Joe Biden praising former Vice President Dick Cheney went viral online, sparking backlash from liberals.

“First of all, I really like Dick Cheney, for real. I get on with him, I think he's a decent man," Biden, now a 2020 presidential candidate, said in the October 2015 video at the "Walter Mondale: A Living Legacy" event held at George Washington University and sponsored by the University of Minnesota's Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration.

As the field of Democrats has expanded to more than 20 contenders, Biden’s working-class appeal and more pragmatic policy approach have put the GOP framing of the 2020 Democratic race as a band of angry socialists to the test.

Joe Biden, seen here in 2009 with Dick Cheney, received backlash after video of him praising the fellow vice president resurfaced. (KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images, File)

Joe Biden, seen here in 2009 with Dick Cheney, received backlash after video of him praising the fellow vice president resurfaced. (KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images, File)

A reporter for The Young Turks shared the clip online which went viral with retweets from notables of the left, who clearly didn't appreciate Biden’s praise of his fellow ex-VP.

She included in her tweet: "(Biden) adds that Cheney was 'extremely helpful' about the 'legal parameters' of the VP office. Without irony. Mondale then says his view of Cheney is 'a little bit different.' The crowd laughs."

NBC’s Chris Hayes shared the video, saying: “Dick Cheney was the architect of war crimes, but OK.”

Markos Moulitsas of Vox wrote: “Hey Democrats, you nostalgic about the Bush years? You know, perpetual war, civil liberties violations, shooting friends in the face? Yeah? Then you're in luck! Biden is your guy.”


David Roberts wrote that Cheney “should be shunned by society and Joe Biden is profoundly, profoundly ill-suited to the political moment.”

"Y’all come get your dude. He went on and on about how much he likes Pence too. Disgusting," tweeted Shaun King.


Biden had called Vice President Pence "a decent guy" earlier this year after Pence was met with silence at a security conference in Europe after praising President Trump. The 2020 presidential candidate later wrote: "I was making a point in a foreign policy context, that under normal circumstances a Vice President wouldn’t be given a silent reaction on the world stage. But there is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the Vice President."

Biden has been running on strengthening unions and promoting social and economic unity, which could restore Democrats to the White House.