Biden, in first tweet as president, says 'no time to waste' on agenda

New president expected to sign 17 executive orders and actions Wednesday afternoon

President Biden, just after delivering his inaugural address, said he would head to the White House to "get right to work" on his agenda.

Biden, in his first tweet as president of the United States from the @POTUS account, tweeted:

"There is no time to waste when it comes to tackling the crises we face," Biden said in his first tweet as president from the @POTUS account. "That's why today, I am heading to the Oval Office to get right to work delivering bold action and immediate relief for American families."

Biden is expected to sign 17 executive orders and actions Wednesday afternoon from the Oval Office — some of which are expected to restore a number of Obama-era policies, and others will reverse some of what Biden's team calls "the gravest damages" of the Trump administration.

In his first actions as president, Biden is set to roll back and reverse a number of Trump-era policies and directives.

Biden, on Wednesday, will declare an "immediate termination" of funding for the border wall construction — putting an end to a key Trump campaign and administration promise to "build a wall" along the U.S.-Mexico border. The move will direct an "immediate pause" in wall construction and will "determine the best way to redirect funds that were diverted by the prior administration to fund wall construction."


Biden will also sign an executive order revoking Trump's previous order that directed aggressive immigration enforcement. The Biden team said that the move will allow for the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to set "civil immigration enforcement policies that best protect the American people" and that are "in line with our values and priorities."

Biden is also set to "preserve and fortify" the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows people who came to the United States as children to request deferred immigration enforcement and work authorization for a renewal period of two years. The Trump administration had sought to end the program since September 2017, mounting a number of federal legal battles.

Next, Biden is set to sign an executive order that will put an end to Trump's "Muslim ban."

Trump, in 2017, signed an executive order suspending entry into the U.S. for individuals from mostly Muslim countries: Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iran. The travel ban was updated later that year to include North Korea and Venezuela. The Trump administration expanded the ban again in January 2020 to include an additional six countries.

The Biden administration's reversal will repeal Trump's order and instructs the State Department to restart visa processing for affected countries in an effort to "restore fairness and remedy the harms caused by the bans."

As for the census, Biden will sign an executive order Wednesday to revoke the Trump administration's plan to exclude non-citizens from the census and apportionment of congressional representatives. Biden's move will also ensure the Census Bureau "has time" to complete "an accurate population count" for each state, which he will then present to Congress.

Biden also will take action Wednesday to re-engage with the World Health Organization, after Trump's decision to withdraw in 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Biden administration will "work with the WHO and our partners to strengthen and reform the organization, support the COVID-19 health and humanitarian response, and advance global health and security."

Biden is also expected to restore the White House's National Security Council's pandemic unit, which Trump disbanded early in his administration.

Meanwhile, Biden will sign the instrument to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord — after the Trump administration officially left the agreement last year. The Paris Agreement was a global pact created during the Obama administration to combat climate change.

Next, Biden is expected to sign an executive order that will roll back Trump's environmental actions — including the revocation of Trump presidential proclamations and other actions signed that McCarthy claims "do not serve the U.S. national interest."

The move will also revoke the presidential permit granted to the Keystone XL Pipeline.


With regard to the coronavirus pandemic, Biden, on Wednesday, will launch a "100-day masking challenge," and sign an executive order requiring masks and physical distancing in all federal buildings, on all federal land and by federal employees and contractors.

Biden will also extend the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums for those effected by the "unprecedented housing affordability crisis" brought on by the pandemic through March 31.

Biden is also expected to ask the Department of Education to consider "immediately extending" the pause on interest and principal payments of federal student loans until Sept. 30.

Biden is expected to take a number of other actions related to racial justice and equity.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that, in the coming days and weeks, Biden will be "announcing additional executive actions that confront these challenges and deliver on the president-elect's promises to the American people, including revoking the ban on military service by transgender Americans, and reversing the Mexico City policy."

The Mexico City policy forbids the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions in foreign countries. 

Meanwhile, Biden is also expected to sign three documents while in the President's Room at the Capitol -- the Inauguration Day Proclamation, nominations to Cabinet positions, and nominations to sub-Cabinet positions.


Biden will also review the readiness of military troops, according to the office of the president. Each branch of the military will be represented at the event Wednesday. 

Fox News' Matt Leach contributed to this report. 

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