Beto O'Rourke supporters encouraged to 'recycle' campaign signs for 2020

A local Texas Democratic party is encouraging Beto O’Rourke supporters to “recycle” their campaign signs – for a 2020 run.

The Travis County Democratic Party is selling stickers to change the campaign signs from “Beto for Senate” to “Beto for 2020.” The congressman lost a close race to incumbent GOP Sen. Ted Cruz last week – but not before garnering national fandom.

Since his loss, many of his supporters – including a bevy of celebrities – have encouraged O’Rourke, 46, to run for president in 2020.

“Beto lost? That’s ok,” actress Alyssa Milano tweeted. “Now he can run for President.”

“#Beto2020,” she said in a follow-up tweet.


To prepare for a potential presidential bid, Travis County Democrats are selling a set of two stickers – one for either side of the campaign sign – for $10 a pair. They’ve designed stickers to fit either the cardstock signs or plastic versions.

"Upgrade your Beto sign and let him know we're ready for his next campaign – whatever it is!" the party said.


For his part, O’Rourke insisted earlier this month that he doesn’t have any intentions of seeking the White House.

O’Rourke, a three-term congressman and former El Paso city council member, was attempting to become the first Democrat to win statewide office in Texas since 1994 – the longest such losing streak in the country. His challenge to Cruz was bolstered by more than $70 million in donations from across the country, making the race the most expensive Senate contest in U.S. history.

O’Rourke’s unconventional work background – he had a stint in a punk rock band – and uncommon work ethic – he famously visited all of the Lone Star State’s 254 counties – made him the subject of attention from all corners of the nation. He was profiled in publications as varied as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and GQ and speculation that O’Rourke could use a win or close loss as a springboard to a spot on the Democrats’ 2020 ticket began to percolate.

Fox News' Samuel Chamberlain contributed to this report.

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