Sanders congratulates Biden on SC victory: You can't win them all
Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses supporters after the South Carolina primary.
Following Joe Biden's South Carolina primary victory, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., held a campaign rally in Virginia and congratulated the former vice president, before setting his sights on Super Tuesday.
"We have won the popular vote in Iowa. We have won the New Hampshire primary, we have won the Nevada caucus, but you cannot win them all," he said. "I want to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory tonight, and now we enter Super Tuesday and Virginia. And I believe very strongly that the people of this country on Super Tuesday and after, are going to support our campaign because we are more than a campaign, we are a movement."
Sanders touched upon a number of issues during his speech but stressed the importance of voter turnout. He claimed it would take the largest turnout in the nation's history to bounce President Trump from office.
"In order to defeat Trump we are going to need the largest voter turnout in the history of this country," he said. "In order to beat Trump, what we are going to have to do is speak to millions of working-class people who are today, working two or three jobs. They're worried about their kids. They're worried about retirement. They can't afford health care."
The Vermont democratic socialist claimed his campaign's success is putting Wall Street, insurance companies, drug companies, and defense lobbyists on edge.
"The political and economic establishment of this country, they're getting very nervous about our campaign," he said. "The lobbyists for the military-industrial complex, they're very worried. They're worried that we may not continue spending more money on the military than the next 11 countries combined. They are worried that we're not going to allow military contractors to give us massive cost overruns. And they're very worried that we are not going to be involved in endless wars. And they are right to be worried.
"And it turns out the folks on Wall Street are getting worried as well," Sanders continued. "And the drug companies, man, they are really worried because we are catching onto the reality that they are ripping off the American people in an unseemly way."
Sanders claimed he beats Trump in 65 out of 70 national polls and said the idea that he is too radical to lead the top of the Democratic ticket is a lie.
"Now what the establishment is saying... is 'Bernie Sanders can't beat Trump.' Well to those folks I would suggest, take a look at the last 70 national polls," he said. "Because we beat Trump [in] 65 out of those 70 polls. Take a look at recent polls in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other battleground states. We beat Trump. And we're going to beat Trump here in Virginia as well."
In addition to promising to build 10 million low-income housing units, Sanders pledged to construct a "first-class" rail system and to make it easier for workers to join unions. He also slammed the prison system as "broken" and "racist," before promising to legalize marijuana via executive order.
"We will end the so-called war on drugs," Sanders said. "Turns out, who knew this, but it turns out, through executive order a president can legalize marijuana in every state in this country."
The Vermont senator then touched upon the Second Amendment and promised sweeping gun reforms, before closing out his speech.
He added, "Let's win on Tuesday. Let us win the democratic nomination, let us defeat Trump, let us transform this country."